Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy February 2024

1.0 Environmental Policy Statement

Eastron Europe Limited acknowledges the importance of supplying electrical products of a consistently high standard within an environmentally sound framework. We have recognised our responsibilities in all aspects of work we undertake and are committed to minimising the impact of our products, services and activities upon the environment.

In order to achieve our overall environmental aims we will:

  • Ensure that objectives and targets are set and reviewed
  • Maintain our knowledge of and comply with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and relevant codes of practice
  • Prevent pollution arising from our operations
  • Communicate this policy to all persons working on behalf of the organisation
  • Work to achieve continual improvement of our environmental performance

The Managing Director of Eastron Europe Limited has overall responsibility for the development of this policy. It will be reviewed annually and be prominently displayed in all offices, sites and work places.

This policy is to be made available to our Customers, to Suppliers of goods and services to the Company and to the staff that we, and they employ.

2.0 Environmental Policy

The aims of this policy are to:

  • Minimise waste, emissions, and consumption or resources (materials, fuel, water and energy) and ensure that unavoidable waste is, where possible, recycled or disposed of responsibly.
  • Ensure that all members of staff and service providers working for us act in accordance with this policy.
  • Work in partnership with our supply chain to promote the sourcing of sustainable products and services and encourage them to adopt policies and management systems compatible to our own.
  • Reduce our carbon footprint, improve recycling, reduce reliance on packaging, minimising waste, improve efficiencies.
  • Ensure our offices and warehouses are well run to good environmental standards including reducing energy and water use and using effective waste management practices.
  • Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
  • Prevent pollution and reduce the potential impact which our operations may have on the environment through the adoption of robust controls for preventing air, ground, water and noise pollution.
  • Share best practice with our clients, customers and suppliers on the best environmental practices associated with the storage, use and disposal of the products used.
  • Achieve bottom line savings by reducing waste of resources, cost of waste disposal, energy and water costs.
  • Reduce mains water consumption and utilise rainwater.
  • Strive to continually improve performance and prevent pollution.
  • Comply with all relevant Environmental Legislation and other applicable legal requirements to which the company subscribes in relation to its environmental aspects.

We will take the following steps to put the policy into practice and make sure that it is achieving its aims:

The policy will be a priority for the organisation.

  • Mr. Paul Boughtwood, Managing Director will be responsible for the day to day operation of the policy.
  • The policy will be communicated to all Customers and workers, and will be placed on the company’s intranet.
  • The policy will be monitored closely on a regular basis to ensure targets are met.

This policy has been endorsed by all the Company’s Directors and has the full support of the Senior Management of the Company.

3.0 Objectives

3.1 Training:

We are committed to providing all employees with the highest levels of training available. We will consult, inform and promote environmental awareness through our stringent induction process and regular talks, with the intent that all staff are made aware of their individual obligations and responsibilities for the environment and that these are no less important an any other duties they undertake.

3.2 Supply Chain Partners:

Through our existing supply chain partners we have access to an extensive material range. We are working closely with them to source and supply products that are locally produced and have a low environmental impact wherever possible.

With our partners we are monitoring efforts to promote biodegradable packaging wherever possible, and to reduce the amount of packaging that is regularly used.

The Company recognises the correct disposal of our products through our daily operations is essential to the welfare of health and the environment, as such we have developed a recycle strategy with our partners for the control and disposal of products that have special handling and waste treatment needs.

3.3 Transport:

We recognise that it has a duty of care to reduce, as far as is reasonably practicable, pollution of the atmosphere through the use of Company Vehicles and any consequential nuisance caused by the creation of fumes, smoke, odour and dust.

Through our supply chain partnerships, we have agreed a strategy where they use appropriately sized vehicles for their deliveries only and back haul wherever possible to avoid empty loads.

The Company recognises that it has some control and influence over its services that are contracted out and actively strives to include them in its strategy for reducing emissions.

3.4 Recycling:

To meet our legal and personal ‘duty of care’ the Company’s environmental waste management system monitors the Company’s activities with regards to the environmental impact from our operations.

The Company adopts to reduce, reuse and recycle principles and landfill is a last resort. We aspire to reduce the amount of rubbish sent to landfill each year by monitoring waste streams through our waste management partners.

Wherever possible, waste is segregated at source with the use of coloured bins. All our business sites have trade waste recycling facilities so waste is sorted before being taken for recycling.

The Company adopts the proactive approach of assessing items to see if they need replacing or to see if they could be recycled and used elsewhere, thus minimising waste.

3.5 Energy and Natural Resources:

We are committed to minimising the use of energy and natural resources and to achieve this we have:

  • used low voltage lighting in all our offices to reduce energy consumption
  • promoted the use of signs to remind people to switch off all electrical items when not in use

3.6 Carbon Offsetting:

We are committed to carbon offsetting to reduce our impact on the environment as such we:

  • promote the use of green and bio diverse materials in all products and projects
  • monitor our carbon footprint and look to mitigate or balance of with tree planting etc

3.7 Added Value:

The Company is working hard to provide all our clients and customers with added value initiatives which will have a positive impact on the environment. Some of the initiatives we have demonstrated are to:

  • Provide energy saving advise to our customers
  • Issue energy saving light bulbs
  • Give smarter personal control to clients through thermostatic radiator valves, room stats and zoning etc

By continuously embracing new ideas and changing techniques related to environmental issues we can continue to add value to the service we provide our clients.

4.0 Responsibility for the policy

4.1 Managing Director:

Has overall responsibility for the Policy and its effective implementation and review on behalf of the Company. 
He is responsible for making sure that the Company complies with the Environmental Protection Act and to meeting all its duties.

4.2 Environmental Co-ordinator:

The Environmental Co-ordinator and is responsible for the implementation and its effective for working towards the promotion of minimising waste, emissions and consumption of resources (materials, fuel, water and energy) that is caused through the Company’s activities.

4.3 Office Administrative Personnel:

Are responsible for the co-ordination of the various aspects of the Policy and will report periodically on the operation of the Policy to the Company Director.

4.4 Operatives:

All employees, including Managers and Operatives have a general responsibility for the application of this Policy, particularly those with supervisory or managerial responsibilities.

They are responsible for making sure that all staff know their responsibilities and receive support in carrying these out.

Are responsible for promoting and sharing best practice with all employees, clients, customers and suppliers on the best practises associated with storage, use and disposal of products used.

Are responsible for keeping up to date with the law on environmental issues that affect their day to day operations and taking up training and learning opportunities

5.0 Communication:

This Policy will be communicated to all staff and will be referred to in relevant documents such as Environmental plans.

In addition, the Company will ensure that it is to be made available to our Customers, to Suppliers of goods and services to the Company and to the staff that we, and they employ.

This Policy will be prominently displayed in all offices, sites and work places and through publication on our website.

The Company will ensure that regular consultation takes place on environmental issues within its workforce through feedback, management-led discussion and management review meetings.

6.0 Consultation with our Clients:

The Company will communicate with its Customer base in order to examine the effectiveness of this provision in meeting the needs of its Customers.

7.0 Suppliers of Goods and Services:

The Company will include in its contracts with Suppliers, a clause enforcing the ‘duty of care’ that is imposed upon them regarding their environmental obligations, and they will be required to operate comparable environmental practises within their own organisation.

8.0 Further Information:

Enquiries about the Policy or requests for further information may be obtained from the Environmental Co-ordinator.

9.0 Review:

The policy shall be reviewed on the 5th of February each year and periodically as circumstances and/or legislative changes require.